Mark Robak
Tim Starostka
Pat Phillips
Ryan Karr


railroad track maintenance best practices - man surveying railroad tracks concept image.

Railroad Track Maintenance Best Practices for Lasting Results

Railroads play a vital role in transportation, ensuring the efficient movement of goods and passengers. The maintenance of railroad tracks is crucial for safe and reliable operations. This article highlights the best practices in railroad track maintenance that contribute to lasting results. R&S Track implements these practices to enhance track safety, extend the lifespan of tracks, and minimize disruptions to operations. Let’s delve into the key aspects of effective track maintenance and explore the strategies that ensure the longevity of railway infrastructure.

Regular Inspections and Monitoring:

Regular inspections are critical for identifying possible problems and evaluating the general condition of the track. Visual inspections, along with new technologies such as track geometry vehicles and drones, allow maintenance workers to spot track flaws, alignment issues, and indicators of wear. Railway operators may prevent small problems from growing into significant track failures by conducting planned inspections and swiftly resolving any found concerns, guaranteeing safe and efficient train operations.

Track Cleaning and Ballast Maintenance:

Cleaning the track properly is critical for eliminating dirt, plants, and other objects that might obstruct drainage or damage track stability. Regular cleaning activities, such as the removal of dirt, sand, and leaves, avoid debris accumulation, which can lead to track deterioration or blockages. Furthermore, constant tamping and adjusting of the ballast (a layer of crushed stone that supports the track) helps guarantee optimum drainage, stability, and weight distribution along the track. 

Rail Grinding and Welding:

The frequent movement of trains on the rail surfaces can produce wear and tear over time, resulting in surface imperfections or faults. Rail grinding is a good way to restore the rail profile, remove flaws, and minimize noise and vibration. Railway operators can restore the smoothness of the rail by utilizing specialized grinding equipment, enhancing train ride quality, and lowering the risk of damage to rolling stock and infrastructure. Furthermore, timely and thorough welding of rail joints guarantees the track’s integrity and continuity, eliminating possible risks and ensuring overall track stability.

Routine Track Maintenance:

Routine maintenance, including tightening loose fasteners, replacing broken or worn-out components, and fixing minor flaws, are critical for track longevity. Regular maintenance actions, such as rail replacement, tie replacement, and track surface repairs, help to avoid track degradation and reduce the need for significant repairs or expensive track replacements in the future. Following maintenance schedules and aggressively fixing minor faults contribute to the railway infrastructure‘s overall integrity and lifespan.

Weather-Related Considerations:

Railway tracks are exposed to various weather conditions that can impact their performance and durability. Extreme temperatures, heavy rainfall, snow, and freeze-thaw cycles can cause track deformation, settlement, or degradation. Implementing preventive measures, such as proper drainage systems, track slope maintenance, and appropriate ballast material selection, helps mitigate the effects of weather-related factors and ensure the track’s resilience in adverse conditions.

Railroad track maintenance best practices – Contact R&S Track Inc.

In conclusion, expert railroad track maintenance is critical for ensuring safe, dependable, and efficient train operations. R&S Track can lengthen the lifespan of track infrastructure through frequent inspections, track cleaning and ballast maintenance, rail grinding and welding and scheduled maintenance. Our experts can minimize delays and optimize train performance for years to come.

Visit our website to learn more about our services and expertise.

railroad track ballast concept image.

What Are the Functions of a Railroad Track Ballast?

Have you ever wondered why railroad tracks have layers of crushed rocks underneath them?
The use of this crushed rock is more than a mere coincidence–it’s called a railroad track ballast, or more commonly known as a “ballast”. It plays an important role in keeping railroad tracks stable and functional. If you’re curious about the purpose of railroad track ballast and how it works, keep reading. Here’s everything you need to know about railroad ballast:

What is a railroad track ballast?

Generally speaking, ballast is a term for something that creates balance or stability. In fact, the
term was originally used to describe stones that helped to balance ships. Like ballast for ships,
railroad ballast is used to create stable conditions for the railroad. Railroad ballast is usually
composed of crushed stone, although other materials, such as burned clay, have also been
used in the past. It is used to form the track bed underneath railroad ties.

What Role Does Ballast Play in Railroad Track

Ballast has been an essential aspect of railroad construction for hundreds of years. While
ballast might seem like a simple or minor detail in the construction process, in reality, it serves
several essential purposes to help keep railroad tracks stable. Here’s a brief look at the roles
that ballast plays:

Helps Maintain the Position of the Tracks

Not only are trains incredibly heavy, they’re also extremely fast-moving. Without proper support,
it would be impossible for the railroad tracks to stay in place. One of the purposes of using
railroad ballast is to help keep the tracks in place as the train is passing through.

Keeps Vegetation at Bay

Another benefit of using ballast in railroad construction is that it serves as a barrier to prevent
weeds and other vegetation from growing freely on the railroad tracks. While these small plants
may seem harmless, they can actually undermine the ground beneath the railroad tracks,
making it softer, weaker, and ultimately less able to support the railroad tracks.

Protects the Tracks From Water

Railroad ballast also helps prevent water from settling around the railroad tracks and potentially
posing a danger to the train’s stability. The ballast creates an effective drainage system,
allowing the water to cycle through and protecting the integrity of the railroad tracks themselves.

Contact R&S Track For Your Railway Maintenance
Needs Today

Ballast is an extremely important aspect of railroad construction. Not only does it keep the
railroad tracks secure, it protects the tracks from water, plant overgrowth, and other factors that
could affect the viability of the railroad tracks.
When it comes to truck maintenance and railway construction, there are few names as trusted
in the business as R&S Track. With 35 years of experience serving the Midwest, R&S Track has
become a leader in the industry that you can rely on to get the job done right. From consulting
services to track inspections, maintenance, track rehabilitation, project design, derail services,
and more, we’re ready to help. Reach out to us today to book a consultation or to learn more
about our services.

railroad safety rules

Railroad Safety Rules: Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Railroad safety is a grave concern for everyone who uses the roads and sidewalks near train tracks. Trains are powerful and fast-moving machines that can cause serious injury or death if you don’t take the necessary precautions. So, let’s delve into some key railroad safety rules when approaching train tracks!

Stay off the tracks

It’s illegal and extremely dangerous to walk on railroad tracks. Train tracks are private property, and you could be hit by a train traveling at high speeds before you even realize it. Remember, a train takes a mile or more to stop completely, so it cannot avoid hitting you if you’re on the tracks. But you can definitely avoid being around it. 

Don’t Race Trains

It may seem like a fun challenge to beat a train at a crossing, but it’s a life-threatening game with deadly consequences. Trains can appear to be moving slower than they are due to their size and distance, so never attempt to race a train to the crossing.

Respect the weight of a train

Trains are incredibly heavy and can weigh up to 6,000 tons. The force of impact from a train is similar to that of a wrecking ball hitting a structure. Imagine you’re standing in front of a brick wall, and a wrecking ball weighing several tons comes hurtling towards you. Just like how the wrecking ball’s weight makes it nearly impossible to stop or change direction quickly, a train’s massive weight makes it difficult to come to a sudden stop or avoid a collision. 

Trains always have the right of way

No matter what, trains always take priority over any other vehicles or pedestrians on or near the tracks. Thus, even if emergency vehicles or police cars need to cross the tracks, they must yield to any oncoming trains. Pedestrians should never assume that a train won’t pose a threat just because it appears to be moving slowly or far away. Trains can still cause serious harm even at low speeds.

Stay off Train Bridges and Tunnels

Train bridges and tunnels may seem like exciting places to explore, but they’re incredibly dangerous. Never walk, bike, or play on train bridges or tunnels, as trains can approach quickly and without warning.

Don’t cross the tracks anywhere

Under no circumstances should you attempt to cross train tracks anywhere other than designated crossings. The presence of rails on the railroad ties means that trains may be using the track, even if it looks abandoned or unused. Always err on the side of caution and assume that the track is in use. 

Stay alert and avoid distractions

Modern trains are significantly quieter than their predecessors, making relying on sound to indicate their presence harder. Remain vigilant whenever you’re near train tracks and avoid distractions like texting or wearing headphones that may prevent you from hearing an approaching train. Be mindful that the rails are no place for leisure! Hence, it’s best to exercise caution around them at all times. Even if you can’t hear a train, it doesn’t guarantee one isn’t coming. 

Report Any Unsafe Conditions

If you notice any unsafe conditions around train tracks or crossings, such as damaged or missing warning signs or signals, report them to the appropriate authorities immediately. You could be saving the lives of many others!

Railroad Safety with R&S Track, Inc. 

At R&S Track, Inc., we place the utmost importance on railroad safety rules, committing to providing top-notch rail services that meet the most rigorous industry standards.

To learn more about the safety measures we implement and our train services, please visit our website at If you have any concerns or queries, feel free to contact us.

Tips For Freight Train Safety

5 Tips For Freight Train Safety

Rail travel has been one of the most convenient modes of transportation for decades. However, despite its advantages, it also poses a lot of risks to the passengers.

Accidents can happen without warning, and it’s essential to keep in mind some rail safety tips and facts to avoid getting involved in one.

Here, we will go through some of the things you need to know to have a safe and enjoyable rail travel experience, including important tips for freight train safety .

  1. Stay Alert at All Times

Rail travel can be long and tiring. It’s easy to slip into a comfortable sleep or daydream during the journey.

However, it’s crucial to remain alert and stay aware of your surroundings. If you’re in a group, assign someone to always be on the lookout for suspicious behavior.

Be alert for any unusual noises or movements and, if you’re not sure, consult the conductor. The conductor will be the go-to person if you need information or if you have any safety concerns.

  1. Follow the Safety Rules

Before the train departure, the conductor will explain the safety rules and emergency procedures. Pay attention to these instructions and follow them strictly.

It’s not only for your safety but the safety of everyone on board. Railroad safety should always be a top priority. Don’t assume that you know everything, even if you’re a seasoned rail traveler. Always ask the conductor if you have any doubts or questions.

  1. Stay Inside the Train

When the train is moving, always remain seated within the train. Never lean or throw anything outside the window. You could injure yourself or others on the train or on the tracks.

The only time to exit the train is when the train makes a scheduled stop. There, you can stretch your legs, buy snacks, or use the restrooms.

  1. Pack Light

Trains usually have limited space for luggage. Therefore, you should pack light and avoid bringing too much luggage with you.

Always prioritize railroad safety and keep your luggage in sight, securing them on the luggage racks or under your seat. Don’t leave your valuables unattended or anywhere where someone can easily snatch them away.

  1. Be Mindful of the Platform

Before boarding or leaving the train, be mindful of the platform’s condition. Watch your steps when boarding or alighting the train.

Avoid walking too close to the edge of the platform, and don’t cross the tracks unless it is permitted. Train tracks carry extremely high voltage and can cause fatal electric shocks.

Stay Safe with R&S Track, Inc.

So how did you enjoy our tips for freight train safety? When embarking on a train journey, it’s critical to remain vigilant, adhere to safety protocols, stay aboard the train, pack light, and be aware of the platform’s condition if you want your trip to be secure and enjoyable.

At R&S Track, Inc., railroad safety is our top priority, and we strive to provide high-quality rail services that meet the industry’s most stringent standards.

For more information about the safety precautions we take and the train services we offer, please visit our website at If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us.

Rest easy knowing that your safety is our primary concern, and choose R&S Track, Inc. as your preferred rail transportation provider for all your needs.

an old train dating back to the history of trains

History of Trains

The train is one of the oldest modes of transportation. It has been around for centuries, with its earliest iterations dating back to Ancient Greece. Trains are an important part of the economy employing tens of thousands of workers in diverse companies like R&S Track which is a leading railroad construction company in Nebraska. Over the years, the train has evolved from a slow, laborious mode of transport to a fast and reliable way to travel across land. In this post, we will take a look at the history of trains and how they have shaped the world we live in today.

The Beginning: History of Trains

Unlike most of the modern trains you see that are maintained by railroad construction workers, the history of trains started with the introduction of wagonways in the 16th century. Wagonways were primitive wooden carts that ran on tracks made of wooden boards. These wagonways were initially used to transport coal and other goods along short distances in England during this time period. 

It wasn’t until 1804 when British engineer Richard Trevithick developed an engine powered by steam that could pull wagons filled with passengers along freight lines, thus creating the world’s first locomotive-powered railway system.

Train Expansion

When looking at the history of trains in the 19th century, trains and railways started to see rapid expansion and innovation. The construction of railways quickly spread throughout Europe and North America with countries such as England leading the way in terms of development. As technology advanced, so did railroad transportation. New designs allowed for faster speeds and smoother rides which attracted more customers and increased demand for train travel. 

This gave rise to numerous companies competing in this space, resulting in improved services and infrastructure being built all over the world.

Modern Trains

Today, trains are still one of the most popular methods of transportation due to their reliability, affordability, speed, and efficiency compared to other forms of transport like cars or planes. As technology continues to advance, so does rail travel. Many countries are now investing heavily in high-speed rail networks that can reach speeds over 200 mph.

These networks have revolutionized how people travel between cities by cutting down journey times significantly while also reducing air pollution associated with other forms of transportation. Another recent innovation is maglev trains which use powerful magnets to create a cushioning effect that allows them to reach much higher speeds than traditional locomotives or diesel-powered engines upwards of 300 mph. Maglev technology is currently being tested in Japan with plans to expand it around the world in the coming years.

R&S Track Inc.: Premier Railroad Construction Contractors in Nebraska 

Trains have been with us for a long time but one thing we cannot ignore is the fact that they need regular maintenance to keep serving us efficiently. R&S Track Inc. is a compliant and certified railroad track contractor. As a leading railroad construction contractor in Nebraska, R&S Track is approved for taking on projects that serve all types of roads. The company is OSHA safety compliant, INSET certified, and DOT compliant. 

We have been in the railroad track construction, maintenance, and repair industry from as far back as 1987. R&S Track has a 100% customer satisfaction record too. We offer a wide range of railroad and track services including track maintenance and rehabilitation, railroad track construction, and derail services. 

If you need new industrial railroad tracks constructed, repaired, or maintained simply call us at 402-563-2350 to schedule an appointment. You can also contact us for derailment services or for any questions you may have about our railroad track services.

railway track maintenance.

Understanding the Different Types of Railway Track Maintenance

Railway track maintenance is a complex and important process that must be done in order to ensure the safety and reliability of trains. It involves both proactive and reactive maintenance activities, as well as regular inspections and repairs. 

With the help of a good railroad track repair contractor, your railroad tracks will always remain in the best working conditions. 

But what are the different types of railway track maintenance? Let’s explore them in greater detail.

1. Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is the most common type of railway track maintenance. This includes activities such as visual inspections, replacing worn-out parts, greasing points, cleaning, repacking ballast, and other general upkeep activities. 

Routine maintenance should be done regularly in order to keep tracks in peak condition and prevent any major issues from occurring.

2. Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is a proactive approach to railway track maintenance that involves anticipating potential problems before they happen and taking steps to address them before they become major issues. 

Examples of preventive maintenance include inspecting running rails for wear or cracks, using special tools to detect weak spots in rail joints, regularly checking under bridges for damage, and performing routine tests on equipment such as switches, signals, crossings, etc. 

Choose a reliable railroad track repair contractor, such as R&S Track to give you the best maintenance services. 

3. Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance is used when something has gone wrong with the railway tracks or their components. 

This type of railway track maintenance involves identifying the issue at hand and then taking corrective action to fix it as quickly as possible. 

Examples of corrective maintenance include repairing broken rails or ties, replacing damaged parts, realigning tracks, fixing drainage issues, removing vegetation from around tracks, repairing switches or other faulty components, etc.

4. Emergency Maintenance

Emergency maintenance is used when there’s an urgent need for repair due to an unforeseen event such as a natural disaster or accident that could put passengers at risk if not addressed immediately. 

Emergency repairs may involve anything from replacing damaged rails or ties to clearing debris off the tracks after a storm has passed through an area. When emergency issues such as derailments occur, call a reliable railroad track repair service. 

R&S Track Inc. – Certified and Compliant Railroad Track Contractors

Railway track maintenance is an important part of any railroad system, whether private industrial railroad tracks or long-distance tracks. 

The good news is that with a professional and experienced railroad track repair service contractor on your side, you can be assured that your railroad is being taken care of at all times. 

R&S Track Inc. is a certified and compliant railroad track contractor with OSHA safety compliance, ISNET certification, and DOT compliance. As a leading railroad contractor, we take pride in our 100% customer satisfaction rate.

R&S Track provides a wide range of railroad track maintenance services including rehabilitation. Your tracks will age over time, especially if you move bigger carloads or service bigger locomotives. 

Shorter load times will also take a toll on your tracks. R&S Track can handle all the railroad track rehabilitation maintenance requirements you need. 

We also provide railroad track maintenance construction for new lines. Over the years we have built many new tracks for a wide range of industries including wind turbine trans-loading sites and ethanol production industries. 
Feel free to contact us today for all your railroad track maintenance needs.

railroad ties - understanding how to replace railroad ties.

How Often Are Railroad Ties Replaced?

What is needed when replacing railroad ties? A typical railroad system has several parts including the actual rails, spikes, and the train. One more important but often overlooked part of the railroad system is the tie. Railroad ties, also known as sleepers or crossties, are basically strips of wood or concrete parts that are located under the rails. 

The ties help by holding the entire truck intact using spikes. They also make sure that the rails are an equal distance apart and level with each other. They are important because without them the rails can move or sway and throw the train off balance. 

One question most people ask is just how long do railroad ties last and how often should they be replaced. When it comes to replacing railroad ties, this should typically be done on a regular schedule depending on the railway’s maintenance plan and the condition of the ties. 

In general, wooden ties may need to be replaced every 7 to 10 years, while concrete ties can last for up to 30 years. Factors such as weather, usage, and the type of train using the tracks can also affect how often you should go about replacing railroad ties.

Tips for Replacing Railroad Ties

There are several things you need to do when replacing railroad ties. Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Regularly Inspect the Ties: Regular inspections can help identify worn or damaged ties that need to be replaced.
  • Use the Right Tools: The right tools, such as tie tongs, spike pullers, and tie tampers, can make the process of replacing railroad ties more efficient.
  • Use the Right Type of Tie: Different types of ties, such as wood, concrete, or plastic, have different lifespans and are suitable for different types of rail traffic.
  • Properly Prepare the Track Bed: Properly preparing the track bed before installing new ties can ensure a more secure and stable foundation.
  • Use of Automation: The use of automation in replacing railroad ties can be more efficient and cost-effective.

Proper maintenance of the tracks and ties is essential to prolong the life of the ties and ensure the safety of the trains. It’s important to work with experienced professionals and follow industry standards when replacing railroad ties.

Railroad Ties Maintenance

With proper maintenance and regular inspection, railroad ties or sleepers can serve you for many years without the need for replacement. Always observe the best practices when it comes to maintaining and replacing railroad ties. 

Regular inspections can help identify worn or damaged ties that need to be replaced or repaired. It is also important to use proper maintenance techniques. The right maintenance techniques, such as tamping and aligning the ties, can help prolong the life of the ties and ensure the safety of the trains.

Properly maintaining the ballast, the material that supports the ties, can help ensure a stable foundation for the tracks. Remember, extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain, can cause damage to the ties and the track bed, so it’s important to monitor weather conditions and take appropriate action to protect the tracks.

It can be hard to monitor long stretches of the railroad but you can always use automation techniques. The use of automation in monitoring the ties can be more efficient and cost-effective.

When You Need Railroad Maintenance, Hire The Midwest’s Professional Railroad Track Contractor- R&S Track, INC.

It’s important to work with experienced professionals and follow industry standards when maintaining and replacing railroad ties. 

At R&S Track, INC. we understand that proper maintenance can help extend the life of the ties, ensure the safety of the trains and reduce costs associated with frequent replacement. 

Visit our website to learn more about our railroad monitoring and maintenance services. 

You can also contact us right away to get a price estimation for railroad tie replacement. 

railroad worker reviewing railroad safety standards on a laptop

Why the Federal Railroad Administration’s Track Safety Standards Are So Important

The Federal Railroad Administration, or FRA, sets railroad safety standards that railroads and other track owners must follow in order to keep their lines as safe as possible, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. 

In fact, according to the FRA, all rail lines in the United States must be inspected regularly by engineers or other professionals who are certified to check tracks and report on their safety status. 

It’s important to learn more about these safety standards if you regularly travel on trains or if you live near tracks that are used by trains such as freight cars and passenger coaches.

The Dangers of Railroads

Railroads are a key part of our transportation system, but they can also be a major safety risk. That’s why the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has implemented strict track safety standards that all railroads must adhere to. 

These standards ensure that tracks, vehicles, and other infrastructure are kept in safe working conditions, minimizing the risk of injury or death from derailments, collisions, and other rail-related incidents.

The FRA’s track safety standards cover everything from track structure and maintenance to inspection and enforcement requirements. For example, all tracks must be inspected regularly for defects and wear and tear. During inspection, if there are any potential hazards to the track, they must be addressed immediately. 

The standards also specify how frequently certain types of equipment must be inspected, what kind of protective gear should be worn by workers, and how to handle hazardous materials safely.

It’s important to note that the FRA’s track safety standards are constantly evolving as new technologies are developed and new safety issues arise. This means that all railroad companies must stay up to date with the latest rules and regulations to ensure that they are operating as safely as possible.

At the end of the day, following these safety standards can mean the difference between life and death when it comes to railroads. It’s essential for everyone involved, from passengers and employees to the public at large, that these standards are taken seriously and adhered to at all times.

The Importance of Railroad Safety Standards

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is responsible for establishing safety standards for the nation’s railroads. The FRA’s track safety standards are designed to ensure that railroad tracks are kept in good condition and meet all safety requirements. 

These standards cover everything from the proper maintenance of track components to the installation and inspection of railroad crossings.

Railroad tracks must meet stringent safety requirements to prevent derailments and other catastrophic accidents. 

The FRA’s track safety standards help to ensure that all railroads meet these requirements. By following the guidelines established by the FRA, railroad operators can ensure that their tracks are safe for both passengers and freight.

In addition to setting safety standards, the FRA also oversees the enforcement of its regulations. If a railroad is found to be in violation of any of the FRA’s track safety standards, it can face fines or even temporary shutdowns. 

The FRA also conducts periodic inspections of railroad tracks to make sure they remain in compliance with its regulations.

The Benefits of Following Railroad Safety Standards

Adhering to safety standards set by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is essential to protecting both passengers and railroad employees. 

The FRA has established a comprehensive set of track safety standards that must be followed in order to ensure a safe railway system. These standards cover a range of topics, from rail inspection and maintenance requirements to safety rules for operating on the track.

The benefits of following these standards are numerous. Track safety standards help to prevent derailments and other accidents caused by faulty or worn-out rails or tracks. 

They also help to reduce the risk of injury or death from collisions with other trains, structures, or people on the track. Finally, they ensure that the tracks are well-maintained and meet safety regulations in order to protect the public from harm.

By adhering to FRA track safety standards, railroads can also benefit from improved performance and reliability. 

Properly maintained tracks are less prone to degradation and wear, which can lead to improved efficiency, fewer breakdowns, and fewer delays. This ultimately saves money for the railroad industry and provides a better experience for their customers.

R&S Track Maintenance Inc. – Keeping Railroads Compliant to the Federal Railroad Safety Standards 

At R&S Track Maintenance, we understand that the federal railroad administration’s track safety standards are essential to ensure that all railroads across the United States remain safe and reliable for passengers, crew, and freight. 

These standards are designed to provide a level of safety that is regularly monitored and enforced to protect people and property. Our goal is to ensure that all railroads in the U.S. are as safe as possible and remain up to code. 

Contact us to learn more about our railroad installation and maintenance services!

install an industrial railway

6 Benefits of Installing an Industrial Railway in Your Facility

If you’re in the process of planning an industrial or commercial facility, don’t overlook the benefits of installing an industrial railway system. Railways are economical, highly versatile, and can even save you money in the long run! 

Here are some of the key benefits of installing an industrial railway in your facility.

An Industrial Railway Creates Better Communication

The railway is versatile and can take on a variety of jobs, from conveying materials between locations to sorting finished products. 

You could use the track to create a flow from one area of your facility to another so that workers or equipment will never get held up waiting for orders. 

Installation is generally not as expensive as other systems because you can work with your building’s existing infrastructure and electric wiring if necessary. 

It also helps ensure safety by reducing the number of vehicles that enter and exit the plant at any given time; ultimately improving worker safety.

An Industrial Railway Builds a Safer Work Environment

One of the biggest benefits of installing a railway is the ability to reduce injury risk. Injuries from objects, slips, and falls cost thousands of dollars every year. (Falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits, representing the leading cause of visits (21.3%). Slips and falls account for over 1 million visits, or 12% of total falls.)

If you have a railway installed, then employees will be able to travel more safely from one area to another without exposing themselves to potential hazards. 

Employees are more likely to feel more satisfied and loyal to their employers when they know that the company cares about their safety.

Employees that use railways might be less likely to complain about how difficult it is for them to get around the facility because they can literally, with just a flick of a switch or press of a button, ride away at their leisure.

Improve Productivity

Industrial railways increase productivity by reducing the number of times employees have to walk back and forth to a workstation, transporting goods, or shipping orders. 

It also eliminates the need for workers to return outside or across facility distances if their duties require them to enter buildings other than where they are working. 

Industrial trains may increase production rates because the time employees spend looking for their next job assignment or catching up on personal tasks is minimized. Increased production can lead to higher profits or better margins for your company.

Some customers also prefer this mode of transportation due to its quiet operation, so it is quieter inside your facility with no diesel engine emissions that could annoy coworkers or keep people from sleeping at night. 

Unlike forklifts, industrial railway trucks don’t lean so far over when they are picking up goods which reduce stress on body parts like the back.

Reduce Labor Costs

One major benefit to installing a railway is that it can help you save on money and space. With railways, companies are able to transport goods and products without incurring additional costs related to trucking. 

The less costly transportation will result in lower prices for consumers and create more revenue for the company as a whole. 

By installing a railway system, companies are not limited by the constraints of conventional highway systems, which means that more goods can be delivered with less difficulty. 

A railway system eliminates all loading zones, which cuts down on the time workers spend at their job site and lessens your impact on the environment. 

Finally, installing an industrial railway system does not have any upfront costs, so this option may be worth considering if you are short on funds.

Get Better Results from Employees

Managing employees with a track system increases worker productivity, safety, and quality of output. 

Offering your team the ability to work at a job where they feel engaged and challenged is just as important as providing them with the necessary equipment, information, and processes they need to succeed.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Industrial railways are a valuable asset for any facility. They reduce errors caused by conveyor belt stops and transfers. Customers will appreciate not having to manually load or unload products which will increase their satisfaction. 

Not only do they make loading easier, they also help automate this process, so the customer will have the product without any trouble and without the need for workers on-site at all times during operation. 

If you’re looking for solutions that are innovative and sustainable then investing in an industrial railway would be a wise choice.

R&S Track: Midwest Railroad Contractor

An industrial railway provides a smooth, durable, and cost-effective transportation solution for your facility.

If you are thinking of installing an industrial railway by an experienced Midwest railroad contractor, R&S Track is your best option. Since 1987, R&S Track has provided the Midwest region with expert track maintenance and railroad construction services. 

We have a history of successful completion of similar projects. We can help you with everything from advice to surveys, construction, and repairing railroads. 

Contact us today to get a price estimation or learn more about our railroad services!


railroad projects that rely on steel

Why the Railroad Industry Relies on Steel for the Railroad Projects

Did you know that the majority of railroad construction contractors use steel? Steel is the top priority when building new networks and repairing existing ones. However, the question of why still stands.

Well, a railroad project has very specific goals, like finishing on schedule, on budget, and in compliance with safety regulations. Steel products are given priority by any railroad contractor because they facilitate the achievement of all these goals. 

We’ll go into more detail regarding the advantages of employing steel in railroad projects.

Railroad Projects that are Cost-Effective

Providing the very best services while staying within the financial constraints of the project is one of the most important goals of railroad repair and construction. 

It is difficult to employ quality products while also constructing railway tracks that are safe, efficient, and within the allocated budget. Utilizing steel results in significant cost reductions.

Steel components, such as ties and turnouts, have the potential to cut costs. Steel ties are shipped in bundles to make them convenient to carry to a project site. 

Additionally, the use of turnout plates, tie plates, spikes, screws, and anchors is rendered unnecessary as a result of steel turnouts.

Railroad Projects that are Safe and Secure

Steel turnouts, in particular, maintain a gauge for their lifespan. This maximizes the safety of the rail system. 

In addition to this, they offer sturdy and dependable support. It is important for steel to have a high level of wear resistance and even more resistance to breaking. 

This is dependent on choosing steel products of a higher quality. Excellent quality and composition assure that steel components will provide the highest possible level of safety for the rail track. 

More Eco-Friendly

Creosote is a type of chemical that has been shown to be hazardous to humans and the environment. Steel turnouts and ties don’t use creosote, therefore they’re environmentally beneficial. 

It is also possible to use recyclable steel for ties. When steel equipment is no longer useful, it may be recycled and turned into a new product through a manufacturing process. 

Therefore, the utilization of steel in the construction of railway tracks is regarded as more beneficial to the planet. 

Does the Transportation Industry’s Need for Resources Rely Heavily on Steel?

Steel is the predominant material used in rail track components. Railways utilize steel for a variety of material needs, including but not limited to the following:

  • Rolling stock (coaches, wagons, and locomotives) 
  • Tracks 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Electric traction

Consult with a Seasoned Railroad Contractor at R&S Track

It’s easy to see why it is critical to make use of steel when it comes to railroad construction. Steel is required to support the weight of massive trains traveling at fast speeds. A minor error can result in significant costs, including the destruction of property and even loss of lives. 

Using high-quality steel both reduces the associated risk and ensures that the rail track is safe with trains moving along it quickly and easily.

For reliable railroad contract services, contact us here in R&S Track today!

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